“RIAN“ - from an album “ALGORYTM“ released by Nowe Nagrania in Poland on and Lanquidity Records in United Kingdom ().
DIGITAL (24bit):
Video: Mikołaj Bugajak
Music: Mikołaj Bugajak
Cello: Karolina Rec
Drums: Bartosz Mikołaj Nazaruk
Electric guitar: Karol Czajkowski
Piano: Stefan Wesołowski
Mix and mastering: Mikołaj Bugajak ()
Wykorzystano zbiory:
Archiwum Grażyny Rutowskiej ()
John W. Reps (Cornell University / under permission of John W. Reps)
Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego ()
Muzem Warszawy ()
Narodowe Archwium Cyfrowe ()
oraz archiwum własne, Giper Lab, Mirroman oraz Tymek Borowski ()
Over the course of seven minutes and forty-two seconds, RIAN’s imagery presents a woven collage of archival photographs and contemporary footage depicting the Warsaw cityscape across moments in time and from different perspectives. Selected from the extensive collections of Grażyna Rutowska, The Museum of Warsaw, The Warsaw Uprising Museum, The National Digital Archives and John W. Reps (Cornell University), the images have been edited and curated in order to create a powerful narrative of the city: the one that exists today, and the one that has disappeared forever. Emphasising the fleetingness of its subjects, the contemporary footage is characterised by its spontaneity, having been created in the style of instant street photography. The author’s use of vintage camera lenses serves to both underline and challenge the ephemerality of the present, moulding it with a timeless effect.
Warsaw was almost completely destroyed by the German Army during the Second World War. The city experienced the carnage of multiple uprisings and hostile bombings, as well as the looting of artworks and civilian property. In the years after the war, Warsaw was rebuilt, yet Poland remained under crushing Soviet influence. Upon regaining sovereignty in 1989, the country entered a phase of wild capitalism – a post-communist transformation that is plainly perceptible in the distinctive variety and style of the capital’s architecture. Today, Warsaw’s rich yet gruelling history is still evident within its streets. At the same time, the spirit of the city’s historic prosperity is confidently conjured by its present-day energy.
The video has been authored by Mikołaj Bugajak – NOON. The album, ALGORYTM, will be officially released at the end of April by Lanquidity Records in the UK and Nowe Nagrania in Poland.
Teledysk do utworu „RIAN” promującego album „ALGORYTM” to prawie 8 minutowy kolaż archiwalnych zdjęć oraz współczesnych nagrań video. Około 100 000 zdjęć pochodzących z: archiwum Grażyny Rutowskiej, Muzeum Warszawy, Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego, Narodowego Archiwum Cyfrowego oraz zbiorów Cornell University (autor John W. Reps) zostało poddane selekcji, edycji i korekcji tak aby powstała spójna opowieść o istniejącym i nieistniejącym mieście. Materiał video powstał w konwencji fotografi ulicznej, stworzenie każdego ujęcia trwało maksymalnie kilkanaście sekund. Użycie obiektywów z lat 70-tych pogłębia efekt bezczasu.
Album dostępny na i w serwisach z muzyką cyfrową:
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