Dutch Dead Commemorated (1960)

Unused / unissued material - Amsterdam, Holland / The Netherlands. Annual commemoration of Dutch people who died during German occupation. Dutch voiceovered material. VS crowds and photographer at the National Monument in Amsterdam. MS Queen Juliana and Prince Bernhard carry wreath to monument. MS Crowd looking on. LS Queen Juliana, Prince Bernhard and others standing to attention. CU the Wreath. Elevated LS of the ceremony at the monument. LS Cathedral in Amsterdam. Elevated LS Int: Cathedral, showing Queen Juliana, Prince Bernhard and the four Princesses, seated. CU Queen Juliana. CU Prince Bernhard. MS Member from each of the Dutch services. MS Five caskets each containing records of the names of the dead who lost their lives during the 5 years occupation. Elevated LS of the service in progress. MS Man in front of microphone addressing service CUs of statues in park. CU One of the caskets containing names. MS Man in front of microphone speaking. Various shots statues in park. MS Man in front of micr
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