The Ghost of Tom Joad

My Project for autumn 2011 was going to be based on the Bruce Springsteen/Johnny Cash working of “Highway Patrolman“, but I read “The Grapes of Wrath“, finally saw the link with the Springsteen song with the main character’s name and decided it was a worthy theme for a short video project. Of course this is not a new subject for You Tube and I have to admit that I was influenced greatly by the work of YachiruXx (respect) in developing my own version. What I’ve tried to do is to strengthen to link to the period and the book and the film and Fonda’s words in particular, and to recognise the work of Dorothea Lange, in capturing the images of the plight of the “Okies“ during and after their migration across America, which in turn inspired Steinbeck in writing his novel. I wanted my film to be widescreen so this has meant editing and panning across the original images. I searched the Internet for the highest resolution images I could find and some are so clear they c
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