The Other Side of Darkness (2022) | Full Movie | Action Adventure Movie
Set against the backdrop of the country’s largest electrical blackouts, a teenage girl named Taylor Jo receives a mysterious birthday gift that leads her and her friends on an adventurous collision course towards a plot to dismantle America’s power grid.
Studio: Saturn Entertainment Studios
Production Company: Saturn Entertainment Studios
In Association with: Villager Pictures
Above the Line
Executive Producer: Adam Deierling
Producers: Vinny Sisson, Adam Deierling
Director: Adam Deierling
Writer: Adam Deierling
Cinematographer: Vinny Sisson
Editor: Adam Deierling
Sound Supervisor: Elliot Herman
Composer: Niklas Wempe
TJ: Maggie Callihan (Tyma)
Jack: Scott Davis
Hannah: Olivia Billings
Patrick: Drake Tobias
Raymond: Brett Voina
Richard: Douglas Esper
Greg: Nathanial Weiland
Gina: Tiffani Hilton
Aaron: Gregory James
Voice of Amy: Layla Cushman