Todd V Dating Weekly Q&A #12 — 10/10/21 пикап тодд
Weekly Q&A #12 — 10/10/21
Date: 10/10/21
(9:10) How to have good formats that keep the girl intrigued, and have those formats lead to genuine real tangible value down the line?
(14:43) How to interact with her without giving away your agenda? Is it better to make the convo mostly about “us“, or mostly random-platonic premise-y lines here & there?
(16:50) How to compete with guys at a party or in clubs who have “situational value“ in their favor, like social proof, and have all the girls’ attention & you have none?
(22:18) Is it optimal to establish premise randomly in the interaction in a way that kinda shocks her? Or should you do things before so it doesn’t come off as a surprise?
(24:05) What kind of traits and lifestyle should you convey to sleep with the 9s & 10s?
(28:49) What’s the key to sexualizing the conversation without giving her negative emotions?
(31:44) Any tips on knowing what’s appropriate for the situation: “hold your frame“ or apologize/calibrate to the girl? Especially when u do or say something polarizing.
(38:53) Last time you briefly talked about how we should answer the girl’s questions without “closing the loop“. How to do that? Any examples?
(42:40) What do you think of this idea that you should stop chasing women and just be on your “purpose“ and the girls will come.
(46:15) What makes photographers so attractive to women? What can we learn from them and apply to our game?
(48:28) If “shared history“ is a form of value in a relationship, why do women cheat on their boyfriends?
(54:03) Any strategies to avoid being sexually timid/prudish out of fear of being judged by the girl and offending her? Especially when talking about sexual topics.
(55:26) I heard you say that you should be “aware“ of what she’s thinking in set but not care so much. How to practice not caring how she responds or thinks about you?
(58:47) What if you tell the girl you like her, but for some reason, you place obstacles or disqualify the sex? Is this a better strategy?
(1:00:15) I find the last example (about the table) very helpful.
(1:00:36) When establishing a negative premise, at some point it gets repetitive and it’s clear you’re just playing hard to get.
(1:02:17) I think having other options, is a good strategy to get the 9s and 10s, especially if you have options as good as her.
(1:03:06) What are examples of negative emotions?
(1:06:04) In a club what are ways to move a girl from point A to point B? The goal is to get 1-1 time with her.
(1:08:12) Before or during the date, if the girl finds out you are seeing other girls, and have a rotation, through storytelling or social media, would that build or destroy comfort? Make her less likely to sleep with you?
(1:09:47) Hey Todd, I’m in this situation that I get emotional every time something bad happens when doing game, like a girl flakes on a date or not texting back. This stops me sometimes from doing game, what mindset can I adapt to prevent this from happening,
(1:14:53) Is the open-loop thing, a technique to get her to invest more?
(1:15:58) I have heard from many that night game numbers are flakier, in general, is that because of the buyer’s remorse?
(1:19:10) In order to qualify girls, you have to challenge them on some subject, like if she likes exercising, ambitious, etc. How do you ask it in such a way as to challenge them and not come across as you’re just asking a question?
(1:21:07) Hey Todd, what can one say to number close without being needy or without it seems like a big deal?
(1:24:43) What do you consider a good Instagram account, also how to close by getting both her Instagram and number? Do you ask for her number first?
(1:27:24) I don’t think Hypergamy cares about “shared history“.
(1:28:13) Hey, todd can u mention what can be done to increase your own value as a man?
(1:29:24) Do you know anything about gaming girls in countries such as the Netherlands (Amsterdam) and Germany (Berlin)? Is it different than the USA? Easier/harder. I’m planning to visit these places next year but I wonder if I could perceive the difference because of my level of game (complete beginner)
(1:31:43) I have this urge to rush things with hot girls because they are constantly being hit up by higher value guys than me, so I feel like I have a small window to convey my personality, hard to be chill and laid back in set, any tip would be helpful.
(1:33:09) If the interaction went well but when you text the girl to set up a second date she keeps saying she can’t, what may be the issue here?
(1:34:32) But it’s hard to compete with a guy that has preselection when you don’t.
(1:35:43) Should beginners accept the fact that they’re going to come off creepy due to having a bad game overall? I feel down when I’m not getting the ou
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