Unissued / Unused material -
Liverpool, Merseyside.
Pan around group of derelict and falling down houses. Travel shots past boarded up terraced houses. One or two are still being lived in. Various shots of derelict houses and areas in poor state of repair. Almost slum conditions. Shots of more modern homes surrounded by rubbish. Travel shots from car going through the Mersey Tunnel abd out through the toll booth. VS of Liver Building with some scaffolding up. VS of Mersey Ferry coming in to dock. Passengers get on board. VS of Mersey river front from boat. LS of Liver Birds. (Mute) Interview with Liverpool Football manager Bill looks as if two young players are with him signing contracts. Various Shots of Footballer Jimmy Case training at Anfield. VS of traffic coming along busy road. VS of empty Anfield stadium. VS of graffiti daubed on derelict walls. VS children play football in streets. Great travelling shots as they run with the football along the street. LS of street. Pan across derel