Vickers Mark II Medium Australian Army Tank Museum. British Tank.

The Australian Army Tank Museum at Puckapunyal, Victoria holds a collection of armored vehicles of interest to the School of Armour which trains personnel at this operational military base. This footage was shot on Sunday 30-Oct-2022 and is of the Vickers Mark II Medium tank. Fitted with a 3pdr (47mm) turret mounted main gun, the tank also employed a variety of machine guns fitted in the turret and the side hull. It was designed in the early 1920s and is a good example of early interwar tank doctrine whereby tanks were being designed to support infantry movement, travel relatively slowly, and didn’t expect to encounter anti-tank weapons on the battlefield. This example is one of four purchased by the Australian Government that arrived in 1929. The allowance for 4 Hotchkiss machine guns in the turret was removed to enable Vickers machine guns to be fitted, as the Australian Army did not use the Hotchkiss.
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