Israel to launch ground invasion of Lebanon

Go to to stay fully informed on what’s happening in Gaza, Lebanon and around the world. Subscribe through my link for 40% off unlimited access this month. Israel and Hezbollah are itching closer to war. #Israel has approved operational plans for war with Lebanon, while #Hezbollah says they will fight without restraints, without rules, and without limits. The mood is on edge. Support CaspianReport ✔ YouTube membership ► ✔ Patreon ► ✔ PayPal ► ✔ Merchandise ► Crypto endorsement ✔ Bitcoin ► 1MwRNXWWqzbmsHova7FMW11zPftVZVUfbU ✔ Ether ► 0xfE4c310ccb6f52f9D220F25Ce76Dec0493dF9aA0 ✔ Bitcoin Cash ► 1BKLti4Wq4EK9fsBnYWC91caK7NZfUhNw9 Join us on Facebook or Twitter ✔ Twitter ► ✔ Facebook ► ✔ My equipment and editing software ► Watch CaspianReport in other languages ✔ Spanish ► ítica/featured ✔ Russian ► #ad #sponsored
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