no more bigfoot, i promise
Second Channel: @pretzelunsalted
Music Used:
Intro - Stickerbrush Symphony (Donkey Kong Country 2)
01:39 - Wind Scene (Chrono Trigger)
03:48 - Royal Castle (The Legend of Dragoon)
07:07 - Under the Moonlight (The Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky)
07:43 - Wondrous Flower (Brave Fencer Musashi)
11:31 - Fighting (Final Fantasy 7)
13:28 - Infiltrating Shinra Tower (Final Fantasy 7)
13:59 - Fanfare (Final
... Fantasy 7)
14:06 - Where the Ancestors Sleep (Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition)
14:57 - Rage, Darkness of the Heart (Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition)
15:15 - interspace garden (Yakuza 0)
18:59 - On the Other Side of the Mountain (Final Fantasy 7)
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