Unicorn Heads - Digital Ghosts [FULL ALBUM]

Digital Ghosts is an album by Unicorn Heads written in San Francisco during the COVID-19 pandemic and released in 2020. It is available in the YouTube Audio Library. 1. Stellar Wind 00:00 2. Six Seasons 07:08 3. Nine Lives 14:56 4. The Stoic and the Sailor 20:03 5. Early Avril 26:32 6. Digital Ghosts 34:44 7. Wolf Moon 41:57 8. Vital Whales 49:44 9. Drifting at 432 Hz 57:15 10. URL Melt 1:20:15 Original music by for the YouTube Audio Library. This music is free to use in your own YouTube videos. Find the music in the YouTube Audio Library in the Creator Studio. Search Unicorn Heads. Written, produced and mixed by Connor O’Sullivan for Unicorn Heads and the YouTube Audio Library. Like this music? Consider donating to Unicorn Heads: $con Find original Unicorn Heads music to use in your YouTube videos free-of-charge in the YouTube Audio Library in the Creator Studio.
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