FRANCE: Georges Clemenceau Obituary (1928)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Video Roll Title: M. Clemenceau (Obit):207ft Full Description: TITLE: M. Clemenceau, the “Tiger“ of France. A great stateman passes away. (Reversed) FRANCE ***M. Clemenceau celebrating his his 87th birthday**** GV Georges Clemenceau’s cottage surrounded by flower garden. CU Clemenceau. LS people gathered round Clemenceau’s cottage. SV - Clemenceau makes his way across mud to car with his principal guests. People standing in background. GV Clemenceau’s cottage. CU flowers growing in the garden (4 shots). MV Clemenceau pottering around in the garden. CU Clemenceau talking. SV Clemenceau, two men and a woman walking down garden path. SV Clemenceau and his three guests sitting inside the cottage drinking tea. GV Clemenceau’s cottage. CU flag flying. MV, SV Clemenceau walking with his dog in the garden. SV Clemenceau walking outside his cottage. MV Clemencea
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