God of War: Ghost of Sparta | Video Game Soundtracks (Full OST)
0:00:00 - Atlantis
0:03:08 - Deimos
0:05:08 - The Caldera
0:08:25 - Battle With The Scylla
0:09:59 - City Of Ashes
0:12:43 - Aroania Mountains
0:15:52 - Daughter Of Death
0:17:34 - Ghost Of Sparta
0:20:33 - The Brother
0:22:26 - Canyons Of Sorrow
0:25:41 - The Fallen Brother
0:26:58 - Death’s Domain
0:29:46 - Deimos’ Revenge
0:33:09 - Brothers In Arms
0:34:44 - Calliope (Bonus Track)
0:37:37 - The Wrath Of Charon (Bonus Track)
0:39:34 - Persian Combat (Bonus Track)
Music by Gerard K. Marino, Mike Reagan