Masterful Mastiffs (1931)

Filmed at Hellingly, Sussex. “Giants of Dogdom. (Mastiffs will attain the weight of 12 stones in one year!)“ (shot missing?) “Some of these champion dogs are worth over £1,000 each and in spite of their huge size, are considered the most docile of dogs.“ (shot missing?) “We’d rather keep these a day, than a week - they eat, amongst other things, nearly a hundredweight of meat a day!“ Short shot of a woman preparing dog food. Title and first intertitle are then repeated. M/S of woman walking along with two Mastiffs on leads. M/S of a kennel maid with two of the dogs on leads. Two more dogs are walked past the camera, then two more. Two kennel maids stand with two dogs each. C/U of dog standing on its hind legs with its front paws on top of the door to its kennel. Cute. Woman approaches the dog and asks for a paw. C/U of woman with adult and puppy Mastiffs. M/S of dogs in cages. C/U of dog looking through bars of its cage. “Ch. Joseph of Hellingly, a really superb specimen.“ C/U of
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