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What is a Republic? What is a Democracy? Some individuals who are misinformed will have you believe they are the same thing. I can assure you they are not. The Military training Manual TM 2000-25 explains the differences as follows:
The United States set up a distinct and different form of government, the product of distinct racial stocks and centuries spent in learning the principles and art of self-government. In practice, our form of government is the most nearly perfect in securing individual rights and ensuring t
...he blessings of liberty.
It differs from previous forms in certain vital and fundamental
principles which have come to be known as “American institutions.“
Among these is that of self-government by representation, which is
“the golden mean between autocracy and democracy.“
120. Comparative analysis.—The following comparative analysis shows the principal characteristics of the three forms of government:
Authority is derived through heredity. People have no choice in the selection of their rulers and no voice in making of the laws. Results in arbitrariness, tyranny, and oppression. Attitude toward property is feudalistic. Attitude toward law is that the will of the ruler shall control, regardless of reason or consequences.
A government of the masses. Authority derived through mass meeting or any other form of “direct“ expression. Results, in mobocracy. Attitude toward property is communistic — negating property rights. Attitude toward law is that the will of the majority shall regulate, whether it be based upon deliberation or governed by passion, prejudice, and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences.
Results in demagogism, license, agitation, discontent, anarchy.
Authority is derived through the election by the people of public officials best fitted to represent them. Attitude toward property is respect for laws and individual rights,
and a sensible economic procedure. Attitude toward law is the administration of justice in accord with fixed principles and established evidence, with a strict regard to consequences. A greater number of citizens and extent of territory may be
brought within its compass.
Avoids the dangerous extreme of either tyranny or mobocracy. Results in statesmanship, liberty, reason, justice, contentment, and progress. Is the “standard form“ of government throughout the world.
A republic is a form of government under a constitution which provides for
the election of (1) an executive and (2) a legislative body, who working
together in a representative capacity, have all the power of appointment, all
power of legislation, all power to raise revenue and appropriate expenditures,
and are required to create (3) a judiciary to pass upon the justice and legality
of their governmental acts and to recognize (4) certain inherent individual
Take away any one or more of those four elements and you are drifting into
autocracy. Add one or more to those four elements and you are drifting into
democracy.—Atwood.Show more