◾BBC news presenter confronts Israeli Minister of the Economy Nir Barkat when he says you cannot compare the number of civilians

◾BBC news presenter confronts Israeli Minister of the Economy Nir Barkat when he says you cannot compare the number of civilians killed by Israel and Hamas: - They hide behind civilians and think we will not get to them, they are wrong. Any civilian that “gives shelter“ to Hamas is on danger. ◾He pathetically screams over her statements of facts claiming it isn’t true because “Hamas are like Nazis“ and tried to claim that Israel isn’t guilty of genocide and ethnic-cleansing because unlike the US which dropped a nuclear bomb on Hiroshima, Israel has not done that: - “You’ve got lawyers around the world wanting to put Israel in front of the Hague for war crimes...“ She told him. ◾Follow: Источник: Lord Of War
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