The Best Slamming Brutal Death Metal Album From Every Year (1994 - 2023)
Disclaimer: This list is my opinion, and my opinion only.
(I do not own any of this music, this is all promotional for the bands listed)
1994: Afterbirth - Psychopathic Embryotomy
1995: Internal Bleeding - Veracious Contempt
1996: Repudilation - Purging of Impurity
1997: Internal Bleeding - The Extinction of Benevolence
1998: Prophecy -
1999: Devourment - Molesting the Decapitated
2000: Devourment - .
2001: Dripping - The Lost Archives of Channeling Expeditions Through the Cosmos
2002: Dripping - Disintegration of Thought Patterns During a Synthetic Mind Traveling Bliss
2003: Artery Eruption - Reduced to a Limbless Sexslave
2004: Disconformity - Penetrated Unseen Suppression
2005: Disgorge - Parallels of Infinite Torture
2006: Digested Flesh - Accumulation of Eviscerated Remnants
2007: Cephalotripsy - Uterovaginal Insertion of Extirpated Anomalies
2008: Gorevent - Abnormal Exaggeration
2009: Kraanium - The Art of Female Sodomy
2010: Vulvectomy - Post-Abortion Slut Fuck
2011: Pathology - Awaken to the Suffering
2012: Cerebral Incubation - Gonorrhea Nodule Mastication
2013: Korpse - Korpse
2014: Epicardiectomy - Putreseminal Morphodysplastic Virulency
2015: Gravitational Distortion - The Void Between Worlds
2016: Embryectomy - Gluttonous Mastication of Embryonic Remnants
2017: Diphenylchloroarsine - Post Apocalyptic Human Annihilation
2018: Nephrectomy - No Lives Matter
2019: Organectomy - Existential Disconnect
2020: Esophagus - Defeated by Their Inferiority
2021: Abominable Putridity - Parasitic Metamorphosis Manifestation
2022: .357 Homicide - Homicidal Amusement Through Supreme Exsanguination
2023: Extermination Dismemberment - Dehumanization Protocol
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