A Look At War Crimes In Czechoslovakia (1964)

Unissued / Unused material - Czech voiceovered newsreel material. Czechoslovakia. Flashback to Nuremberg war crimes trial and Rudolf Hess and Dr. Josef Goebbels. CU Two stills of Martin Bormann. Various still of war devastation. CU Newspaper article on Bormann. VS Flashback to Adolf Eichman trial. CU Still of Adolf Hitler shaking hands with Otto Skorzen. VS other stills. MS Otto Skorzen (His real name is Franz Karmazin) leaving his home at present in Madrid. The Czechs still think he should be tried for war crimes. VS Alleged War criminals at large and disturbing shots from Nazi death camps. VS Press reception and they are told that 77,000 are still pending and should be judged. (.) Old record suggests that material dates from around 20/10/1964. Amendment February 2011: Otto Skorzeny and Franz Karmazin are different people, both presented seperately in this reel from the trial. Franz Karmazin was the leader of the Carpathian German party in the pre-war years Slovakia. FILM ID: A VIDEO F
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