Life Lessons from Socrates: Inspirational Quotes to Live By | Read by Luminary Lines

In this video, Luminary Lines presents a collection of thought-provoking quotes from the ancient Greek philosopher, Socrates. These timeless words of wisdom offer valuable life lessons that are still applicable today. Listen as Luminary Lines reads each quote with their own unique voice, bringing new meaning and insight to each phrase. Whether you’re seeking inspiration or just looking for some guidance in your daily life, this video is sure to leave you feeling motivated and enlightened. #socrates#LuminaryLines #socratesquotes ______________________________________ Socrates was a classical Greek philosopher who lived in Athens from 469/470 BC to 399 BC. He is credited with being a founder of Western philosophy, and his ideas about ethics, knowledge, and the nature of reality continue to be studied and debated to this day. Socrates is most famous for his use of the Socratic method, a form of inquiry in which he would ask a series of questions to refine and clarify someone’s underst
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