Hello everyone! As you can see, I’m finally back from my editing hiatus! Thank you all for nice comments and messages which I got during my break. Also (very late) thank you so much for 14 000 subs! You are amazing guys! ♥
Today I want to present you brand new crossover with my favourite paring Nala and Vitani. I’ve been working on it for more than a week and put lot of work in manips and story. I hope you’ll like it!
Please read the description till the end before asking any questions!
Nala - daughter of royal couple, Aminifu and Sarafina. She is future queen of the Pride Lands. Young lioness is engaged to Vitani.
Vitani - daughter of Scar and lioness which died on this same day when Vitani was born. In the future she is destined to marry Nala and rule kingdom with her.
Aminifu (Simba with pale fur and blue eyes) - father of Nala, husband of Sarafina and king of the Pride Lands. In the past he made agreement with his childhood best friend Scar about that their first-born cubs will marry each other and will rule together.
Scar - father of Vitani, Aminifu’s childhood best friend and royal adviser. In the past he was in love with Sarafina but finally she choosed Aminifu to be her husband. Scar now hates his friend for it and is looking for revenge on young king.
Sarafina - mother of Nala, wife of Aminifu and queen of the Pride Lands.
Zazu - royal majordomo.
Crossover starts with the ending scene. Nala and Vitani are back to the Pride Lands which are destroyed by over-hunting hyenas and Scar’s tyrannical reign. As rightful queens, lionesses are going to Pride Rock to meet Scar and take their place at the throne of the Pride Lands. Scar seeing Nala had him very suprised and scared that he can no longer be king if the daughter of old ruler is still alive. Desperate, Scar is proposing lioness marriage and telling the pride that he chooses Nala as his queen. Lioness are not agreeing with Scar and reject him. Mad lion tells her that she has no choice and must follow her king’s orders. Nala, in anger attacks him but Scar is stronger and hits Nala. Vitani, frightened seeing this, walks to her mate’s motionless body. Nala only having the strength to tell her last words to Vitani and after that she dies. Lioness is devastated after losing loved one. Suddenly she feels something different, warm and good feeling in her whole body. Nala’s ghost hugging her and saying goodbye to her love for the last time. Vitani remembers all the good moments she spent with her mate. When Sarafina gave birth to Nala, the whole kingdom was celebrating. King Aminifu was so happy and proud from her new-born daughter, future hope of the Pride Lands. Only Scar wasn’t celebrating. He was mad and jealous about his best childhood friend Aminifu. In the past he was in love with Sarafina but finally she choosed young king. Scar decided that one day he will have revenge on his friend. One week later Scar’s mate gave birth to Vitani, losing her life during it. Scar was so angry and sad that he didn’t even come to Nala’s presentation, one of the most important celebrations.
Weeks passed, Nala and Vitani grow up and they were spending so much time together playing and slowly falling in love with each other. They were proud to become queens one day. At this same time, at the Elephant Graveyard, Scar with his loyal hyenas decided to kill Aminifu and take over his kingdom. The next day, Nala went to play at savannah. Hyenas, following orders from Scar, set fire to the dry grass. Nala saw fire coming back at her and ran away trying to save her life. Aminifu from Pride Rock saw smoke in place where his daughter went to play. He instantly went to save Nala. It was at what Scar was waiting for. He ran after Aminifu and hit the lion, making him fell from the high cliff. Nala was terrified seeing it. When the fire died, Nala found the dead body of her father and started crying. Scar told the hyenas to kill the young lioness. She was able to ran away from them but hyenas promised her: if she will came back to the Pride Lands, they will kill her. At night, Scar told the lionesses of the pride what happened. Vitani was very sad to know her best friend is dead. Scar told now he will be king and let the hyenas to take over the Pride Lands. It wasn’t long until the savannah was destroyed. Three years passed and Vitani grew to be a strong and brave lioness. She knew her pride was starving and that she needed to look for help. She ran far away from the Pride Lands and started hunting. While doing that, she met another lioness. Vitani recognised Nala by her appearance. They were so happy to be with each other again. They fell in love and spent the night together. Now they couldn’t imagine being separated again.
Rest of descripion is in my pinned comment beacuse YouTube won’t let me write longer one!
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