The newest Husbando, the one and Oni, Gigachad Itto is here to roll! This character is an ABSOLUTE UNIT, nothing stands in the way of the raging Oni king himself. Arataki gang forever!
I really enjoyed making this video, if you liked it be sure to like and subscribe for more!
Check out my other meme videos:
The Husbando State:
My Childe:
Xiao the Adepti Airbender:
Diluc’s Bizarre Adventure Part I:
Diluc’s Bizarre Adventure Part II:
Hu Tao EXE:
John Lee(Zhongli):
I used the Childe to destroy the Childe:
Wouldn’t Venti be Faster?:
Albedo Elevates the Competition:
Ganyu the CocoGOAT:
Mona EXE:
Eula EXE:
Lvl 90, ascension 6
Weapon: Lvl 90 R1 Redhorn Stonethresher. Whiteblind and Spine are good 4* choices for Itto
Set: 4p Husk of Opulent Dreams (Recommended set for Itto dps),Artifact substats are Def%, Geo DMG bonus, Crit Damage.
HP: 18237
ATK: 1189
DEF: 2885
EM: 37
Energy Recharge: 112.3
Crit Rate: 67.4
Crit Damage: 222.2
Geo Bonus Damage: 46.6
Talents: 10,8,10
Prioritize normal attack for overall geo damage along with burst since burst essentially just increases normal attack damage. Upgrading the taunt skill has less priority for damage since the skill does not scale off of defense.
Songs Used:
Devil Trigger - Nero’s battle theme DMC5 :
Genshin Keywords for the algorithm (ignore this)
when the fantasy world Teyvat Cryo Dendro Pyro Hydro Anemo Electro Geo characters map action combat gameplay combo skill cooldown energy elemental seven elements cooking adventure inazuma attack regenerate lantern rite itto speedrun primogems mihoyo CBT f2p burst liyue mondstadt voicelines rerun
#Itto #GenshinImpact #Genshinexe
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