MELODIES OF THE FOREST.Расслабляющие звуки леса,шум бегущей воды,пение птиц в гармонии с природой.

Sound therapy is a direction in medicine that has scientifically proven that the sounds of nature belong to the number of positive vibrations. The murmur of the stream, the singing of birds and the noise of the forest have a positive effect on a person, lead to a state of peace and tranquility, reduce blood pressure and improve the condition of the body as a whole. They lull and relieve stress, activate the work of the right hemisphere of the brain, developing creativity and memory, strengthen the immune system, help the body resist diseases. The volume level and duration of the session depend on the preference of the person himself. The ideal time is 20-30 sleep will be strong and healthy. The sounds of nature will be a wonderful addition to relaxing massage, gymnastics and meditation, will help to create a harmonious background for merging with nature. The main thing is to listen to your own body when choosing music for relaxation. Звукотерапия – направление в медицине, кото
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