Chalk Portraits (1955)

Regent Street, London. C/U of a fabric pattern laid out on a piece of fabric in a tailor’s workshop. Pan up to show Mr Harry Weatherill, an unconventional tailor who draws portraits on cloth with dressmaker’s chalk. L/S of Harry drawing on a piece of tartan. C/U to show that it is a little cartoon face. C/U of the artist. L/S of a large mirror which hangs on the opposite wall. Harry turns around to look at his artwork in the mirror. This helps him to pinpoint any small faults. C/U of the drawing taking shape. It is becoming quite a remarkable piece of art. C/U of a group of chalks which sit beside the fabric. Narrator observes that “The picture can be made to disappear and the material used - in fact, some people insist on having the same piece.“ I presume that people commission him to do portraits. It is claimed that this particular drawing is assisting him in visualising the finish of an Ulster style collar (sounds pretty unlikely). A side view of Mr Weatherill shows other portraits stand
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