Don Dellpiero - Here With You (Thrashin’ Movie)

Movieclips from the legendary skateboard movie Thrashin 1986. Featuring following stars: Josh Brolin - Corey Webster Robert Rusler - Tommy Hook Pamela Gidley - Chrissy Cory Webster is an amateur skateboarder from out of town staying in Los Angeles with friends ,his crew “The Ramp Locals“, in hopes of competing and winning a downhill competition for which he has been training. During his stay in LA, he falls for a beautiful blonde named Chrissy, who just happens to be the younger sister of Hook, the leader of “The Daggers“, a tough punk rock skateboard gang in the Los Angeles/Venice Beach areas. Cory and Hook battle it out in the last turn of the downhill race. Hook flies over the side of the road and Cory speeds through the finish line at 63 mph off a ramp
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