osu! Livestream Highlights | Karthy 900PP CHOKE?! firebat92 Gets CRAZY DONATIONS!
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All osu! skins used in this video:
0:00 - 0:13 firebat92
0:14 - 0:34 Alumetri
0:35 - 1:15 idke
1:16 - 1:40 Woey
1:41 - 2:09 firebat92
2:10 - 2:26 Karthy
2:27 - 2:59 firebat92
3:00 - 4:23 idke
4:24 - 4:54 Kroytz
4:55 - 5:19 firebat92
5:20 - 5:51 idke
5:52 - 6:18 fieryrage
6:19 - 6:45 firebat92
6:46 - 7:39 Sotarks
7:40 - 8:25 BeasttrollMC
8:26 - 8:55 osulive
8:56 - 9:12 FlyingTuna
9:13 - 9:30 idke
9:31 - 9:51 WubWoofWolf
Player: FlyingTuna
FlyingTuna Twitch:
Player: BeasttrollMC
BeasttrollMC Twitch:
BeasttrollMC Youtube:
Player: Woey
Woey’s Twitch:
Woey’s YouTube: ht