I can do it by myself – Funny action song for kids

Sing along and learn active verbs with Lingi! Lyrics: I can do! I can run All around So fast my feet will hardly touch the ground I can reach Really high So high my hands can nearly touch the sky There’s so many things that I can do Perhaps you can try and do them too Just try the best you can and see what you can do I can shout Really loud I can listen to all the sounds I can speak I can say Lots of words in different ways There’s so many things that I can do Perhaps you can try and do them too Just try the best you can and see what you can do I can spin round and round Until I’m dizzy and fall to the ground I can look I can see Everything that’s around me There’s so many things that I can do Perhaps you can try and do them too Just try the best you can and see what you can do I can eat I can drink And I can use my brain to think I can sleep I can dream I can be anything I want to be There’s so many things that I can do Perhaps you can try and do them too Just try the best you can and see what you can do #lingimingi, #bymyself, #kidssongs, #kidscartoons,
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