Natural Pools & Swim Ponds in California - No Chlorine or Chemicals - Aquascape System

This video is all about natural swimming pools aka recreation ponds. We have noticed a huge increase in requests from our clients to build “natural swimming pools“ or “recreation ponds“. These are a great alternative to traditional chlorinated pools or salt water pools. In our natural pools, we use a biological filtration system paired with a skimmer but on a much larger scale. This is called a Wetland Filter and an Intake Bay when building a larger eco system. We use the Aquascape Inc. method and equipment to build all of our water features. In addition to the biological filtration system, we added U.V. (ultraviolet) light sterilizers, an automatic dosing system (for water treatments & natural beneficial bacteria) and a IonGen G2 filtration add-on. These boost the filtration and clarity of the water so swimming in a natural pool feels refreshing and clean. SUBSCRIBE ► INSTAGRAM ► https://www
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