Desktop Plasma Toroid Device aka BagelGen: looking for new plasma spectrums and behavior patterns

Inductive coupled plasma toroid in rarefied xenon gas is a complicated phenomena that roughly can be described as a high frequency air-core transformer, where plasma toroid acts as a secondary winding with a single, hot and dynamic “wire“ turn. - subscribe to my Tg channel for daily project updates. The BagelGen runs from 48V 3A power supply or a 3-4s LiPoly (100-150W consuming), at ~11 MHz. Built on a single IRFP460A MOSFET. Plasma toroid appears to be hot enough to break otherwise stable compounds out of their molecules into ions and plasma, which start to glow with their signature spectrums inside the glass flask that contais the bagel. I add different stuff to glass flasks, from food salt NaCl to thallium bromide (do not try it at home or anywhere else), and then examine how they decompose within the plasma bagel. How many chemicals or metals’ spectrums shown you can guess? Some compounds appear to be totally mind-blowing, unlike anything I’ve seen before. It is a whole new world for exploration and research. For any additional info welcome here: discussion chat We got bagels there. And donuts, too.
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