Thanks so much for 2000 subs!!!! Hi! Here Sarii {xSarii1827} I’m really angry guys! srsly! I did not want to make a video of halloween and nevertheless the video was a secret total for my up to past a time, not sure if you noticed but the message was not sent from the studio ✖ TRACK 1: xShiningDreamer ✖ TRACK 2: WhisperTail9 ✖ TRACK 3: KudoLoverx33 ✖ TRACK 4: xLIGHTNING x ✖ TRACK 5 : TalaRockz ✖ TRACK 6: xprettyskyx ✖ TRACK 7: xprettyskyx ✖ TRACK 8: xSarii1827
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