Understanding the Anti’s - Pat Clarke

Lectures from Pat Clarke for participants of FS Russia 2020 event. Pat Clarke gives an explanation about what is it - antidive, antisquat, antiroll. Pat Clarke intentionally gives it without any complicated mathematics, therefore it is suitable for inexperienced teams. Unfortunately the beginning of the record has been lost, therefore first several slides is without audio (I’m sorry about that), but it is an introduction and it shouldn’t interfere with understanding. Pat Clarke is a world-famous design judge, who was involved in project in 1998. Since then Pat travel around the world, sharing his knowledge and experience with the students worldwide. He was a chief design judge at FS Germany, FSAE Astralasia, FS Russia, FS Bharat (India), moderate judge at FS UK and many other events. A lot of other materials from Pat Clarke can be found at Pat’s Corner here: ___________________________________________ Соц.сети ​​ ​​ ___________________________________________ Поддержать: Карта Сбербанка: 5469 4009 3973 4021 Ю-money: 410011699087711 WebMoney: Z439600912055 Qiwi: 79153072911 Собранные средства пойдут на оборудование для производства видео.
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