Bajheera - FROST DK’S ARE INSANE!!! - WoW Death Knight PvP
Sup guys! :D With the onset of Patch there are TONS of things to test out and learn about and I’m super excited to share the experience with you guys :D
I’ve always enjoyed stomping BG’s on my Frost Death Knight, but in Patch FROST DK’S ARE INSANE! :D Just check out the devastation a Frost DK can unleash on a BG in only a few minutes :D
Keep in mind we’re at a weird in-between stage with WoW right now and the game is no longer balanced around Level 90 PvP :) So take all of this with a grain of
8 months ago 00:00:00 5
[Livion] Вот и первый бл№#ть рабочий день прошел! #worldofwarcraft #cataclysm #classic