Here we have an even faster version of Bavarian Metal.
Asura played his fingers bloody on the guitar, it was almost speed metal, what we played there.
Asura was getting more and more fucked up at this time, he was becoming increasingly neglected, he was homeless, except for the Rehearsal Room. He had nothing left. His apartment was then evicted, the last valuable things were confiscated by the bailiff.
The only thing he could save from the grasp of the authorities was the Band equipment.
His only will to live at that time was to live the one and only true Black Metal. And, if necessary, to die for it.
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1 month ago 00:24:46 36
Простите за беспокойство. Или человек, который продает(ся) // Ирина Штерк. Между строк.
1 month ago 00:34:52 1
Манифест Коммунистической Партии (К.Маркс/Ф.Энгельс)
4 months ago 00:25:38 7
СЕНЕКА: Как жить “долго“ и не бояться смерти / О скоротечности жизни // СМЫСЛ.doc