Summit DeFi Gamified Yield Multiplying - YouTube

Summit Defi Description: Gamified Yield Multiplying | At Summit DeFi, we’ve taken the elements that you know and love in a standard DeFi Yield Farm, and combined it with a new element of risk and reward. Pick your elevation, select your totem, get farming, and enjoy up to 10x winnings! All without ever putting your staked capital at risk. Elevation farming is the cornerstone of Summit. Elevation Farms are built around “Yield Multiplying“, a new way of interacting with your farmed Yield, and potentially multiplying it massively. Elevation farms are built to bring excitement, tension, and community (through totems) to the DeFi space. Additionally the progressive round times, progressive average yield, and vesting allows Elevation farms to help regulate SUMMIT price fluctuations. Each Elevation has its own risk / reward breakdown. Each of the elevations above are buttons which allow you to compare the tradeoffs of each Elevation.
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