INSANE! Australia Debuts ’Orwellian’ New App That Forces Citizens to Report Their Location On Demand

According to Johns Hopkins University data, South Australia has reported zero new cases of COVID-19 since August 23 and zero deaths since April 12. South Australia has the third-largest population of Australian states, at 1.8 million. The government of South Australia has implemented a new policy requiring Australians to use an app with facial recognition software and geolocation to prove that they are abiding by a 14-day quarantine for travel within the country. While a conservative policy expert described the policy as “Orwellian,“ he told Fox News that it represents an improvement over the current COVID-19 policy. Australia has banned international travel unless residents have a permit to leave the country. The country has also severely restricted travel between the six states of Australia. Residents must spend 14 days in quarantine upon return.
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