Разговорный английский: Selena Gomez ВООБЩЕ УЧИТ английскому!!

Содержание видео: - Take a detour Rollercoaster The high road is hard to find, a detour in your new life. It would be wise to take a detour to avoid the roadworks. - Ginger shot Take a shot of this… Hey bartender, could I get another shot over here? Ahh! Guys! I’m shot, get the ambulance! Nice shot / amazing shot / great shot - Down the hatch Drink up Bob said “Down the hatch” and drank the whiskey in one gulp. - Your lyrics are on the cups, did you know that? - Get out! - She couldn’t care less. - I care. I couldn’t care less, what broke me this time, I couldn’t care less, that’s why I’m drummin’ it out. I couldn’t care less, that’s all I care about… - Your ex is getting married soon, did you know? - I couldn’t care less. I couldn’t care less what they say. - Cheers! Cheers to the freaking weekend, I drink to that, yeah yeah…
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