Dont say goodbye - Tribute EDGE (Adam Copeland)

you’re the Rated R superstar. FOREVEER(L) Never we’ll forget uu,!!you’re a example for we. I feel a admire for you. i think that never ever i’ll forget the day april 11 of 2011 is a of the days that more i cried in my life, my heart went out of my chest. And i feel respect for you. for that man who gave all for their fans and that never said no to nothing. Thankyou Adam really i will miss you. Now you enjoy to your family and your dogs and you Marry with me please. x) i will miss you your funny moments. and Hall of famer 2012. Joseph Copeland(: ILOVEYOU!! THANKYOU FOR ALL!! ADAM COPELAND(l)THE RATED R SUPERSTAR. EDGE!! THANKYOU..!!-* SORRY FOR THE VIDEO IS SO DARK BUT THE VIDEOS WERE REALLY OF VERY POOR QUALITY. HD-TO LOOK BETTER dedicated: My BFF Taniaa Sorry IS DONT SAY GOODBYEE!! VIDEOCLIPS: WWE COPYRIGHT
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