[Night 3] Modeling the Interplay between Data and Processes

February 17, 2021 Data and processes go hand-in-hand in information systems but are often modelled, validated, and verified separately in the systems’ design phases. Designers of information systems often proceed by ensuring that database tables satisfy normal forms, and process models capturing the dynamics of the intended information manipulations are deadlock and livelock free. However, such an approach does not guarantee the correctness of the complete system, as perfect data and process designs in isolation can induce faults when combined. In this talk, I will present the ideas behind an approach that combines information models and process models using an automated theorem prover. In this approach, set theory and first-order logic are used to express the structure and constraints of information, while Petri nets extended with vectors of identifiers are used to capture the dynamic aspects of the system. The modelling approach is not limited to information systems modelling. As I will show in this talk,
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