Russia Fetes Premier (1959)

Titles read: “RUSSIA FETES PREMIER“. Moscow, Russia. General view panning across Moscow and the Kremlin. Various shots show Prime Minister Harold Macmillan arriving at Moscow Airport. He walks down the steps of a plane, wearing a white fur hat, followed by Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd. They shake hands with Soviet Prime Minister Mr Kruschev and British Ambassador in Moscow Sir Patrick Reilly. Russian Foreign Minister Gromyko and Soviet Ambassador in London Mr Malik are also present. The Russian Guard of Honour play the National Anthem at the airport. Macmillan and Kruschev salute, then inspect the Guard of Honour. Macmillan shakes hands with members of the Diplomatic Corps. Russian people applaud as Macmillan waves to them. The party are driven off into Moscow. General view of exterior of the Kremlin. Inside we see various shots of Macmillan, Kruschev and others shaking hands and sitting at a long table for talks. Several shots of the men chatting before the official exploratory talk
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