Joint stock company “Friedrich Krupp“ - a private forge of the German military machine. What the company did during the Weimar Republic. How Gustav Krupp and other Ruhr magnates helped the Nazis seize power. What is the corporate state and what economic policies were carried out by the Nazis. Business, the Third Reich, and preparations for war - when the Second world war really began. As Krupp’s men plundered Europe. What was happening in private concentration camps during the war and how they differed from SS camps. What punishment was given to criminals.
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List of sources:
1. The Nuremberg Trials
1.1 The Trial of the major war criminals in International military Tribunal Nuremberg (“Blue Series“)
1.2 Nazi conspiracy and aggression (“red series“)
1.3 Trials over war criminals at the Nuremberg military Tribunal under the supervision of article No. 10 (“green series“)
2. Manchester W. The Arms of Krupp.
3. Brady, R. A. Business as a system of power. - 1943.
4. Kuczynski, J. Germany under fascism 1933 to the present day. - 1944.
5. Норден А. Уроки германской истории (Translate: Norden, A. Lessons of German history) - 1948. History of Germany from the beginning to the middle of the 20th century.
6. Кучинский Ю. Очерки истории германского империализма (Translate: Kuczynski, J. Essays on the history of German imperialism) - 1952. A book about the development of monopolies and German imperialism.
7. Галкин, А.А. Германский фашизм (Translate: Galkin, A. A. German fascism) - 1989.
8 Датт, Р.П. Фашизм и социалистическая революция (Translate: Dutt, R. P. Fascism and the socialist revolution). - 1935.
9. Сборник статей. История фашизма в Западной Европе (Translate: Collection of articles. History of fascism in Western Europe). - 1978.
10. Сборник статей. Германский империализм и милитаризм (Translate: Collection of articles. German imperialism and militarism). - 1965.
11. Сегалл, Я.Е. Очерки экономической политики германского фашизма (Translate: Segall, J. E. Essays on the economic policy of German fascism). - 1934.
12. Руге В. Как Гитлер пришел к власти (Translate: Ruge V. - how Hitler came to power). - 1985.
13. Устинкин, С. Германский стальной трест (Translate: Ustinkin, S. German steel trust) - 1941.
00:00 - Prologue. Hitler did it
05:06 - Chapter 1. The Krupp Empire
14:34 - Chapter 2. The First World War
23:30 - Chapter 3. The Treaty of Versailles
37:00 - Chapter 4. The Ruhr
01:02:34 - Chapter 5. Enslaving the Nation
01:10:16 - Chapter 6. The Corporate state
01:27:24 - Chapter 7. The Busine-SS
01:36:21 - Chapter 8. The German Sword of War
01:42:48 - Chapter 9. The Robbery of Europe
01:54:18 - Chapter 10. Just Business
02:09:11 - Chapter 11. Extreme Necessity
02:18:28 - Chapter Last. Crime and the punishment
#nazi #fascism #krupp
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