梦想舞团航少团队 | 广场舞 | 街头时尚 | 帅哥跳舞 | Cute Boy Dance | Square Dance

欢迎来到【梦想舞团】频道,感谢各位的支持与厚爱! 欢迎海内外朋友到中国贵阳市做客! 团队宗旨: 致力于打造新型广场舞团带动全民健身,展现年轻 一代积极进取、青春活力、阳光快乐、追求梦想的精神面貌! 团队演出地址与时间: 每天晚上19:00-21:00 户外广场舞直播 地址:中国贵州省贵阳市南明区花果园大街1号(花果园购物中心) 团队男成员有: 航少、小表哥、韩老弟、霆公子、九尾、小贤、小浪、小恒、小夏、肖艺、公子俊、峰先生、大大、子凡、杨阳、小尾巴、司亚.... 再次感谢大家的支持,记得订阅、点赞、分享、评论哟 Welcome to the 【Dream Dance Troupe 】 channel, thank you for your support and love! Team purpose: Committed to creating a new type of square dance troupe to promote national fitness and show the spirit of the younger generation who are enterprising, youthful, energetic, sunny and happy, and pursue their dreams! Team performance address & time: Outdoor square dance live broadcast every night from 19:00-21:00 Add: No. 1, Huaguoyuan Street, Nanming District,Guiyang City, Guizhou Province (Huaguoyuan Shopping Center) The male team members: Hangshao, , , Jiuwei, Xiaoxian, Xiaolang, Xiaoheng, Xiaoxia, Xiao Yi, Gongzijun.... Thank you again for your support, remember to Subscribe, Like, Share and Comment!
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