Music for the Bleak Faith videogame!
The lyrics to the song are based on the epic Montenegrin poem, “The Mountain Wreath”, by the Prince-Bishop, Petar II Petrović Njegoš (1813-1851).
“Viđi vraga su sedam bi -
Njišah, su dva mača, su dvje -
Krune, za njim jata prokle -
Toga kota, da opuste -
Zemlju svukoliku ka ska-
Kavac što polja opusti!
Malen svijet za Adova žvala,
Ni najes’ ga, a tek prejesti!”
“Behold the spectre with seven red scarves,
Wielding two swords and two crowns,
Leading hordes of a cursed breed,
To bring pestilence upon the land,
As the locust lays waste to the fields!
Too small are these realms for the mouth of Hell -
It refuses its fill, for it lives to overeat!”
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