“The Anthem of Nart Sosriqwe“ [«Нарт Сосрыкъуэ и пшыналъэ»]
From the Circassian Nart Epos:
“The Anthem of Nart Sosriqwe“
[«Нарт Сосрыкъуэ и пшыналъэ»; “Nart Sosriqwe yi Pshinalhe“]
There are many versions of this ancient chant that differ in the details but are unitary concerning the main theme. Two versions are presented hereby. The first, some three millennia old, is sung (in Kabardian) by Vladimir Bereghwn (Baragunov). The second is a modern rendition by the popular singer Sultan Uragan (Hezhiroqwe; Хьэжырокъуэ СулътIан).
Transcribed and interpreted by Amjad J