Artist Adrian Ghenie, художник Адріан Гені

Adrian Ghenie (b. 1977) is a Romanian artist from the Cluj School. His works are filled with rich textures and colours, the expressive images balancing in between clarity and decay. His paintings weave together personal and collective fears, traumas, and memories, addressing the horrors of 20th century European history. These days, prices for Ghenie’s work, such as his abstract paintings of faces, have skyrocketed, and he has a long waiting list of private buyers. Experts attribute his immense popularity on the contemporary art market to a strong demand for painting, his limited output, the scarcity of masterpieces for sale, an affordable price point relative to the top of the market, and wealthy Asian buyers. Адріан Гені (1977 р.н.) - румунський художник з Клужський школи. Його роботи наповнені багатими текстурами і кольором, а виразні образи балансують між ясністю і тьмяністю. Його картини сплітають разом індивідуальні і колективні страхи, травми, і спогади, звертаючись до теми жахів 20 - го століття
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