Chrysler PT Cruiser Thermostat Removal and Replacement! 2.4 Engine 2001-2009
Chrysler PT Cruiser Thermostat Removal and Replacement! 2.4 Engine 2001-2009
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We took this video to show you how to replace the thermostat on a Chrysler Pt Cruiser. In order to get to the thermostat you will need to remove the upper intake. This will be the most convenient way and it will give you enough room work on replace the thermostat. Once you remove the upper intake make sure that you cover the lower intake so you do not drop anything in it that could result in damaged engine.
When you buy a new thermostat ALWAYS buy a new seal too. The old seal tends to get thin which cause coolant leak at the thermostat housing.
This will be about the same procedure for all pt cruisers with the 2.4 Non Turbo engine.
2001 Pt Cruiser
2002 Pt Cruiser
2003 Pt Cruiser
2004 Pt Cruiser
2005 Pt Cruiser
2006 Pt Cruiser
2007 Pt Cruiser
2008 Pt Cruiser
2009 Pt Cruiser
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