Koham - Soham 2nd trailer - film based on Sri Aurobindo’s poem ’Who’
Koham-Soham (Who am I? I am That) is our 45 minutes upcoming meditative film based on Sri Aurobindo’s poem ’Who’. We will released it for Sri Aurobindo’s 150th birth anniversary and India’s 75th Independence Day in August at Sri Aurobindo Ashram’s Playground, Auroville, UNESCO (Paris). You are welcome to participate for outreach and donation, contact Arnab (arnabninad[at]).
Our audio-visual meditative experience with 50 international artists consists of:
- original orchestral composed music produced across the world: London, New York, Saint Petersburg, Venice, Calcutta, Auroville & Pondicherry
- a visual spectacle of interwoven space images and videos from NASA archives
- poem recited by Jhumur Bhattacharya (Jhumur di), senior teacher at Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, Pondicherry and theatre actress trained by The Mother
Why ’Who’? This amazing short poem guides us to question our deepest self.
’Who’ was written around the time when Sri Aurobindo gave the well-known speech at Uttarpara on 30th May 1909 after His release from Alipore jail. For the first time Sri Aurobindo spoke publicly of Yoga and His spiritual experiences.
Direction, composition, production led by Arnab Bishnu Chowdhury
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