This is the moment 5 hungry hyenas corner and devour a zebra with broken back feet while it tries its best to escape the predators. Send in your wildlife video here, and earn money: This ruthless sighting was captured by 28-year-old, guide/manager at Royal Safari’s, Matthew Roach, while on a sunset game drive with his guests in Kruger National Park. Matthew tells the story: “It was a good afternoon out on my usual sunset/night drive. I had six guests with me that day and another safari vehicle with a guide following close by. We had spent the afternoon slowly making our way to a leopard that had been hanging around for the past few days in hopes that we might find her and her cub.” “We were lucky enough to find her and spend 10 minutes with her before moving on. Unfortunately, her cub was not around. As we left the sighting a vehicle approached us and told us there were hyena blocking the road ahead. We went to investigate! As we drove arou
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