Svalbard, previously known as Spitsbergen or Spitzbergen, is a Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean. Svalbard is a paradise for nature lovers and photographers. The nature is mostly intact and the amounts of polar bears and whales is growing year by year. Important information regarding the use of drones / filming polar bears: The law in Svalbard is clear. “Disturbing wildlife is prohibited on Svalbard“. Using a drone to encounter polar bears can stress them and when a bear is interacting with the drone the disturbance starts. I’m flying and filming with drones for BBC, Netflix and other famous producers since 10 years. When you are an experienced filmmaker and drone pilot you can easily see the reaction of the animal from the very first moment. Always film the animal that it’s not changing it’s natural behaviour. The 3 bears I have filmed here have been between more than 25km away from the Svalbard mainland, further north in and along the pack ice. Using this foo
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