The Most Adorable Data Terminal Ever!

Hi, I’m sick. Hi, Sick, I’m Dad. No, literally, I’ve got some kind of upper respiratory thing going on and it’s no fun. I am coming out the other side of it, however, when you’re loopy and contagious, there are certain things you shouldn’t do, like invite people over or play with heavy machinery. So, today, we’re taking a bit of a break to take a look at an adorable little data terminal BoxcarJim donated! If you want to support the channel please hop over to Patreon: Also, we now have some epic shirts for sale! Come join us on Discord and Twitter! Discord: Twitter: Intro Music adapte...d from: Artist: The Runaway Five Title: The Shinra Shuffle Thanks for watching! Chapters 0:00 “Get up, come on get down with the sickness” 3:14 “I’m adorable a
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