75 Types Cichlid, African , Apistogramma, Central American, South American & Other Cichlid
Top 75 Type Cichlid fish You Can Keep in Freshwater Aquariums
I’ve included some key information about each species and its needs, so take note of the following stats if you’re looking for your own Cichlid Fish
●Scientific name
●Common names
1) African Butterfly Cichlid
2) Aurora Cichlid
3) Bumblebee Cichlid
4) Calvus Cichlid
5) Electric Yellow Cichlid
6) Eureka Red Peacock Cichlid
7) Fairy Cichlid
8) Frontosa Cichlid
9) Giraffe Cichlid
10) Golden Mbuna Cichlid
11) Jewel Cichlid
12) Kribensis Cichlid
13) Lemon Cichlid
14) Nigeria Red Kribensis Cichlid
15) OB Peacock Cichlid
16) Sand Cichlid
17) Transvestite Dwarf Cichlid
18) Turkana Jewel Cichlid
19) White Spotted Cichlid
B) Apistogramma
1) Abacaxis Apistogramma
2) Banded Apistogramma
3) Black Chin Apistogramma
4) Blue Panda Apistogramma
5) Cockatoo Dwarf cichlid
6) Elizabeth Apistogramma
7) Flabellicauda Apistogramma
8) High-Fin Dwarf cichlid
9) Mackmasters Apistogramma
10) Miua Apistogramma
11) Ortegal Apistogramma
12) Redline Apistogramma
13) Three Striped Apistogramma
14) Two Banded Dwarf cichlid
15) Uapesi Apistogramma
16) Umbrella Apistogramma
C) Central America Cichlid
1) Electric Blue Jack Dempsey
2) Fire Mouth Cichlid
3) Jaguar Cichlid
4) Rainbow Cichlid
5) Red Devil Cichlid
6) Salvini Cichlid
7) Texas Cichlid
D) South America Cichlid
1) Altifron Eartheater
2) Altum Angel Fish
3) Agrentine Humphead
4) Black Stripe Dwarf Cichlid
5) Bolivian Ram Cichlid
6) Butterfly Peacock Bass
7) Checkerboard Cichlid
8) Chessboard Cichlid
9) Demon Eartheater
10) Discus
11) Dwarf Flag Cichlid
12) Electric Blue Rim Cichlid
13) False Green Terror
14) Flag Cichlid
15) German Blue Ram Cichlid
16) Gold Ram Cichlid
17) Kelberi Peacock Bass
18) Keyhole Cichlid
19) Leopolds Angel Fish
20) Megasema Eartheater
21) Mirabilis Eartheater
22) Orinoco Peacock Bass
23) Oscar
24) Parrot Cichlid
25) Red Cheek Krobia
26) Redbreasted Acara
27) Severum Cichlid Heros Efasciatus
28) Severum Cichlid Hero’s Severus
29) Sharphead Eartheater
30) Sveni Eartheater
31) Uaru Cichlid
32) White Spot Eartheater
33) Yellow Acara
E) Other Cichlid
1) Convict Cichlid
2) Electric Blue Hap
3) Flowerhorn
4) Mariers Julie
5) Orange Pink Cichlid
6) Pantand Cichlid
7) Small Scale Cyprichromis
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