TNO Nation Anthems: Free State of Magadan (Marsh Sibirskiy Strelkov/March Of The Siberian Riflemen)

The national anthem of Magadan, led under the grand Vozhd, Mikhail Matkovsky from the mod “The New Order“ in Hearts of Iron 4. “Siberian Riflemen’s March“ The lyrics are transliterated, here is the translated and cyrillic versions of the lyrics: ------------ TRANSLATED ------------ From Taiga, the dense Taiga From Amur, river Amur As silent, fearsome thunder Into battle march siberians As silent, fearsome thunder Into battle march siberians Make them tough O Silent Taiga, Ruthless storms of Baikal And siberian snow. Ruthless storms of Baikal And siberian snow. No tiredness nor fear, They fight for night and day, Only the grey papakha Fell on one side. Only the grey papakha Fell on one side. Huh, Siberia, my home Siberia, We’ll stand up for you. To the waves of Rhein and Danube We’ll send your greetings. To the waves of Rhein and Danube We’ll send your greetings! Just remember, Siberia, in the dark times As an ode to old glory The honor of gorgeous folk Your sons will defend. The honor of gorgeous folk
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