American Legion return to New York following a tour of their old battlefields in France fr...(1937)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit American Legion ex-servicemen parade through New York City after they return from visiting their former battlefields in now peaceful France Full Description: USA: New York: New York City: EXT AMERICAN LEGION On Parade in New York after return - great Welcome AMERICAN LEGION Welcomed back in N.Y. LEHMAN, Gov. Speaks to U.S. Legion prior to European trip - used when they return to N.Y. NEW YORK . American Legion welcomed & Parading in N.Y. Clubs; United States of America; Personalities - Politicians World War I, World War 1, WWI, First World War, The Great War, war, American Legion, isolationism, veteran, veterans, march, parade, marching band, doughboys, American Expeditionary Force, AEF, remembrance, Background: American Legion ex-servicemen parade through New York City after they return from visitin
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